Tourismusverband Nordburgenland
Büro Eisenstadt
Hauptstraße 21
A-7000 Eisenstadt
Opening hours
Monday - Friday:
from 9 am to 4:30 pm
April until September also
Saturday: 9 am to 1 pm

Webcam: Link zur Webcam
The historic forest all around the Gloriette in Eisenstadt has been a popular nearby relaxation zone for as long as anyone can remember. Through the newly designed "Experiencing the forest anew" Trail, the zone has been upgraded a further notch. Adjacent to gentle exercise-and-game challenges, there are also new educational inspirations for young and old alike. This service aims at reinforcing general awareness of the forest, based on the 'International Year of the Forest’.
The trail was designed by forest educator Hans-Peter Killingseder, together with the City of Eisenstadt. The multi-faceted forest landscape can be encountered in numerous ways by visitors, e.g. as an English landscape garden, an historic venue or as popular woods opened for relaxation and sustainable exploitation purposes. Along the newly designed forest trail, visitors can truly discover and experience the forest anew for themselves. Inspired to deploy all their senses - touch, smell, hearing, seeing - unexpected new aspects and perspectives emerge for observers.
The forste trail starts at the Gloriette which is a pictoresque former hunting lodge of the Esterházys. Today it houses the restauraunt "Die Alm by rabina", Telephone: +43 2682 24090, .
Tourismusverband Nordburgenland
Büro Eisenstadt
Hauptstraße 21
A-7000 Eisenstadt
Monday - Friday:
from 9 am to 4:30 pm
April until September also
Saturday: 9 am to 1 pm
Webcam: Link zur Webcam