Tourismusverband Nordburgenland
Büro Eisenstadt
Hauptstraße 21
A-7000 Eisenstadt
Opening hours
Monday - Friday:
from 9 am to 4:30 pm
April until September also
Saturday: 9 am to 1 pm

Webcam: Link zur Webcam
Geographic Location, Size, Statistics, Suburbs, Coat of Arms and Seal of the City
Eisenstadt is situated 182m above sea level at the foot of the Leitha Mountains, on a terrace with a soft incline that tapers off into Wulka valley. There is a meteorological station 230m above sea level). The city originally stretched along the east-west run of the terrace from Oberberg-Eisenstadt in the west to the barracks in the east. Later in history the city began growing towards the south, towards the Wulka Valley and in the past few decades also towards the north, onto the hills of the Leitha Mountains. Several vineyards had to make room for new settlements.
Protected by the up to 400+m ridge of the Leitha Mountains, which are covered by dense deciduous woodland, the pleasant climatic conditions bring forth grapes, apricots, peaches and almonds. The city is framed by vineyards as far as the eye can see.
The city covers 4289 hectares (Eisenstadt-town including Oberberg and Unterberg 1851 hectares, Kleinhöflein 1019 hectares, St. Georgen 1419 hectares) and reaches from the ridges of the Leitha Mountains in the north all the way across the Wulka River in the south. There are 3039 houses. 1809 in Eisenstadt-town, 181 in Eisenstadt Oberberg, 33 in Eisenstadt-Unterberg, 464 in Kleinhöflein and 552 in St. Georgen.
Inhabitants (as of January 2022)
17.400 people
The Oberberg impresses with the so-called Bergkirche, featuring a unique Calvary and the Haydn Mausoleum
Unterberg features the former Jewish quarter and the old Jewish cemetery.
The vintner's village to the west of Eisenstadt, Kleinhöflein, was part of the reign Eisenstadt, was given to the Esterházy family in the 17th century and was incorporated into the city in 1970.
Several old farms go back to the 17th and 18th centuries and give St. Georgen, which is located at the eastern end of Eisenstadt, its cosy atmosphere. It is home to numerous so-called Heurige - small inns run by local winemakers, in which they sell their wines and local snacks. The inscription "Marcus Atilius" on the so-called Attila rock located by the village well, dates back to the first century C.E. and points to the roman culture that had spread out over this area.
The city's colours are white-red.
The coat of arms of the City of Eisenstadt shows a red shield. At the bottom of the shield, there is a silver coloured ashlar tower, framed in black, on which you can recognise three merlons that loom up from a slightly widened base. The tower further shows a square, black window with silver-coloured grid and right underneath it a black, open, half-rounded gate, secured with a half-drawn silver-coloured grille. On the top of the tower's merlon there is a black eagle with a red tongue and golden decor, carrying the insignia FIII (Ferdinand III.) on its chest. On the main frame of the bronze-coloured rim of the shield there is a silver-coloured wall crown on which you can recognise five merlons.
The city's seal is round, features the monochrome coat of arms and around the coat of arms the writing "Freistadt Eisenstadt, Burgenland".
The city's coat of arms may only be carried in connection with official city business. The city's senate may allow persons or juridical persons or commercial associations to carry the city's coat of arms. This privilege may be withdrawn at any time. This right will only be granted if it furthers the city's standing and is not in danger of being misused.
Tourismusverband Nordburgenland
Büro Eisenstadt
Hauptstraße 21
A-7000 Eisenstadt
Monday - Friday:
from 9 am to 4:30 pm
April until September also
Saturday: 9 am to 1 pm
Webcam: Link zur Webcam